A throwback post and photos from last month’s UITP MENA’s conference in Salalah which I really enjoyed moderating. Key take aways from me below.
1.Decarbonisation is not just electrification and the need for public transport ownership at strategic, tactical and operational level were discussed as part of the speech by Mohamed Mezghani
2.Given all the discussion around artificial intelligence, I enjoyed seeing real world examples from the UITP working group applied in the public transport led by Jaspal Singh
3. The waste reduction triangle with real world examples by Beah was helpful to see.
Post Conference
1. Post conference tour by electricbus naturally, allowed us to see the beach, frankincense market and enjoy milk bananas and coconuts. Thanks Samir Fadda for the selfie!
2.Having never experienced monsoon weather before, I was struck by how grey the weather was and how green the ground was. If it wasn’t for the temperature being 28C, I could have been back in Glasgow 😉. Salalah was teeming with wildlife and I spotted flamingos and fish. Best to avoid standing on the latter!
3. Due to my complete inability to pack light, I wasn’t able to take my trophy for moderating via Fly Dubai. So a huge thank you to Sultan Al Hadhrami who organised for the trophy to travel from Muscat to Sharjah via Mwasalat Oman service. Very much appreciated!